At the edge of your comfort... where you will find the magic.MONDAY MESSAGEThe goodness of life... it doesn't come without the bumps, bruises, and close calls.Yesterday I went on a hike with my wife and good friends out in Boulder Colorado. When you first get to Boulder fall...

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Jul 26, 2021
5 minutes to THRIVE... my new product

T: TimeH: HealthR: RelationshipsI: Income/InvestmentsV: VisionE: ExperiencesToday...How are you going to maximize your time here on earth? Make sure your calendar represents a Friday that YOU are CHOOSING to live by, rather than living by a calendar...

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Jul 23, 2021
F*ck Fear, THRIVE ON Uncertainty.

Most of the world needs to take aHave you ever thought about how non-important you are? I do all the time.Two billionaire humans (Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos) just flew themselves into space. COOL!Fact is, they will eventually end up in same place w...

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Jul 21, 2021
I am doing...

...rather than "I will do."This little mental shift has been a game changer to my life. Picture this: It's the weekend, you are gathered with a bunch of your friend's and family, everyone is catching up on each other's lives.During this time, how oft...

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Jul 20, 2021
If you want to change the world...

you have to change people's behaviors.And this behavior starts with your own. You don't trust the teacher who has never actually done what they are teaching you to do.You don't trust the coach who has never played the sport they are teaching you to p...

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Jul 19, 2021
Don't forget to water your seed.

Another week down. How the heck are we halfway through July already?!?!?Today's message will be simple...The seed you plant today must be watered, given light, and nourished properly for weeks, months, years for it to grow the strong enough roots and...

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Jul 16, 2021
What will be your leap of faith?

Think back to a time in your life where things seemed really hard and stressful.For instance, finals during college. The first large project you took on at your job.Moving to a new city where you didn't know anyone and only had a car and some clothes...

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Jul 15, 2021
What do you do...

is probably one of the lamest questions you are taught to ask through societal conditioning.Seriously, lets think through this logically.You meet a random person for the first time, and the first question you ask is about "what do they do," meaning y...

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Jul 14, 2021
I don't have time.

The subject line I chose is one of my most disliked phrases. Too many people use it. Too many people abuse it. Not enough people refuse it. ...Here is a fun fact...I have 10 minutes to write this. And I am barely awake yet, aka I am not at peak perfo...

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Jul 13, 2021
The things you envy...

will make or break you!I was at a $28 million + lake front estate on Saturday.It legitimately had 3 houses on it, boats, jet skis, pools...all the bells and whistles. The natural instinct of the human psyche is to become envious of the situation abov...

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Jul 12, 2021