What do you do...

Jul 14, 2021 5:35 pm

is probably one of the lamest questions you are taught to ask through societal conditioning.

Seriously, lets think through this logically.

You meet a random person for the first time, and the first question you ask is about "what do they do," meaning you are referring to the way they make money, aka something made up by humans.

"Hey John, pleasure to meet you, may I ask what do you do to make that green paper that you put in your bank account?"


This is pretty much what you are saying when you ask "what do you do?"

Why are we conditioned to do this?

Humans are on earth for so much more than to earn dollars. Yet, we condition ourselves to spend our entire lives obsessing over these wrong things.

I want to change it!

So I made this video as a start.

And in response to that video I asked people what we should ask instead of the age old "what do you do?"

Here are some great questions to ask instead....


Next time you are in an environment where you are meeting new people, use some of the questions listed above! And let me know how it goes. :)



p.s. today I am grateful for the rain. It has continued to be unusually rainy here in Austin this summer. Whatever the universe is telling us, I am being receptive and appreciative. It will only make me enjoy the sun that much more whenever it comes back.
