With my son Aiden now becoming more aware of the world and his surroundings, it is very apparent that I will have a little human being that watches my every move.Because of this, I have been doing some heavy reflections on all my habits ...The Good....
It is how you RESPOND.Cliche I know. This cliche is my life right now. I am currently typing this as I wait for a doctor in the local Urgent Care facility to check out what I believe to be an abscess on my lip. I'm not joking lol.I wish I was.Why doe...
Academic awards.Scholarships.Degrees.Salaries.Careers.Jobs. Houses.Cars.⬆️ All the things that I felt I needed in my life to validate myself and my worth.Here's the thing...I think I knew the story I was being fed was bullshit all along.Because the o...
Consistency. I heard an intriguing quote on the My First Million Podcast yesterday from their guest Steph Smith.It went something like this➡️ "being great is just showing up and being good consistently."Which got me thinking…Most of us have tale...
“Don’t be the best in the world at what you do; be the only one in the world who does what you do.”⬆️ This quote is me paraphrasing Jerry Garcia, lead guitar of The Grateful Dead. Exactly 5 weeks ago my life changed forever. And since then, I have ha...
Have you read the book..."The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results." ⍰⍰⍰It is a book that has been a staple in my life for over half a decade now.In my mid-20's, I was all over the place with my life.5 cities in 3 ye...
I asked chat GPT what the odds are of being born a human.Here is the response ⬇️I don't even know how to say some of these numbers let alone how to interpret them lol. Why did do this ⬆️Because realizing how small you actually are...Helps you live a...
We are officially 3+ weeks into parenting. :)And while there has been so many lessons learned, there has ben one that has stuck out to me so far."You can do anything, you can't do everything." Business.Workouts.Relationships.Personal Hobbies.Reading....
...will determine the outcomes that happen in your life. Let me give a direct example of this.Saturday morning, where were you? How were you feeling? What were you doing?10 years ago...I was still in bed.Hungover.Doing nothing that was productive tow...
If you are reading this, chances are you have lost someone you loved due to cancer. It really sucks. It is a disease that many suffer from for no rhyme or reason other than it happened by chance. And it is something that hits close to home in my fami...