I don't have time.

Jul 13, 2021 3:42 pm

The subject line I chose is one of my most disliked phrases.

Too many people use it. Too many people abuse it.

Not enough people refuse it.




Here is a fun fact...

I have 10 minutes to write this.

And I am barely awake yet, aka I am not at peak performance.

Today I am up an hour and a half earlier because I got invited to a morning workout that I will be attending.

And I 100 percent could have used the excuse of "I don't have enough time" to get my email out today.

Yet, I would then be failing one of my principles.

80 percent and done is better than a perfect unfinished.

So here I am giving myself time constraints when I am at subpar performance.

I have 5 minutes left to keep writing btw.

4 now.

The whole purpose of this theme is to be a reminder to you that imperfect action will always beat perfect inaction.

Where in your life are you "thinking too much" and not taking enough action?

Where in your life is your need to be perfect consuming your experiences?

Where in your life are you allowing yourself to say "I don't have time?"

Find those areas and start building habits that will counteract the above.

Take messy action!

Be imperfect!


And go have the best Tuesday you can possibly have. :)

My time for this is up.



p.s. today I am grateful that I have overcome my own perfectionism over the years. I can thank entrepreneurship for that.
