Don't forget to water your seed.

Jul 16, 2021 5:56 pm

Another week down. How the heck are we halfway through July already?!?!?

Today's message will be simple...

The seed you plant today must be watered, given light, and nourished properly for weeks, months, years for it to grow the strong enough roots and reach its full potential.

Think of yourself as the seed, and every action you take, is either nourishment or it is poison.

Every action can either be detrimental to growing you roots, or it can positively position them to help you reap fruit for the rest of your life.

Do three things right now...

  1. Think back to the first half of the year and write down 3 things you did that helped your roots grow.
  2. Then write down 3 things that you did that were poisonous to your growth.
  3. Finish by writing 3 types of nourishment you plan for yourself for the second half of the year.

Here are mine...


  1. I started running again.
  2. Sauna/Ice bath/Cupping/IV's/Sleep - I focused a lot on recovery.
  3. I wrote here every morning.


  1. I spent too much time connecting to others online, rather than working on my own personal projects.
  2. I put "work" over the health of my marriage at times. (This one is always the toughest to break for me. On one hand, my work brings a lot of joy to my marriage, I work extremely hard to help contribute to a bright future for our family, but it is a fine line of too much at times, and I will catch myself at times not focusing my attention where it should be).
  3. Not mastering the monotonous. Meaning, there is a lot of admin work I have to do to help scale projects. Being the adrenaline junky that I am, I hate admin work and let a lot slip through the cracks. Recently I am doing a lot better at this, but the beginning of the year I was slacking for sure and I was always playing catchup.

Finishing the year strong with a lot of nourishment!

  1. Scheduling a vacation with Erin. At the moment we are looking at running the Hawaii half marathon in January and then spending some time there to enjoy ourselves.
  2. Building and Launching a few products and services.
  3. I am currently building a product on an app called notion. The premise is to help people determine the life they want to live, then give them tools and resources to take action towards that life.
  4. My best friend Noah and I are building a micro investment fund as well as a mobile sauna / ice bath business. Both of these connect to all the other projects / businesses I am in/helping, and I have never been as excited about my path as I am now.
  5. Becoming a professional / sponsored athlete. In 2022 and beyond you will see me in health magazines, on podcasts, on YouTube...2021 is what I call "the lab year" aka I am in the lab mixing up the concoction of myself as we speak. 2022 is the year I let myself out of the lab though. :)

I'd love if you would write yours up in a response to this. I've said it before, and I will say it again, if you write it down...your chances of ridding yourself of your poison, and refilling your life with nourishment...they will be much greater if you share them with me.

When we strive together, we THRIVE TOGETHER!

Have a great weekend!



p.s. today I am grateful to have been on this earth for another week. I am doing a much better job of appreciating the current moment, and I want to encourage you to do the same.
