F*ck Fear, THRIVE ON Uncertainty.

Jul 21, 2021 5:51 pm

Most of the world needs to take a


Have you ever thought about how non-important you are? I do all the time.

Two billionaire humans (Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos) just flew themselves into space. COOL!

Fact is, they will eventually end up in same place we all will. The unknown.

We are all mere mortals that no matter how rich or famous we become, we will be forgotten.

I am not trying to be morbid on your Wednesday morning.

I actually hope to do the opposite and inspire you to LIVE a bit more while you have the chance.

Something that has helped me live the life I want to is realizing that no matter which way I turn...

left or right...

I will end up in the same place anyway! 6 feet under.

So I don't overthink my decisions very much at all.

For many people, this is really tough though.

And I have come to the realization that the problem lies in uncertainty.

People struggle to come to terms with the fact that


In fact, UNCERTAINTY is what makes life worth LIVING!!!

If you I gave you the script to your entire life, from the moment you were born, to how your life turned out, until you perish... life wouldn't be worth living.

The uncertainty is actually what BRINGS US JOY in life.

It also brings us problems, pain, and suffering.

It brings us the full spectrum.

And until you start appreciating uncertainty for the fact that it brings the full EXCITING spectrum that is this life.... you will live in some sort of fear...and fear will inhibit you from getting the most out of your life.


What are you currently "uncertain" about?

A new relationship?

A new job?

A new city you are living in?

A new friend?


Instead of allowing it to cause anxiety...


Smile about it.

Know that this is what life is about.

The fact that you don't know what will happen is the THRILL.

And thrills bring an energy to life that makes our time here on earth worth it.

Happy Wednesday! Go THRIVE ON your uncertain life. :)



p.s. today I am grateful for the entire spectrum of uncertain moments I have had in my life.
