Nobody will ever care about you...

as much as YOU can care about you. You have to set the timer.You have to wake up.You have to put the work in.You have to fight the pain.You have to relax.You have to recover. You have to decide on happiness.You have to decide on your values.YOU have...

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Oct 15, 2020

Be KIND instead.Have you ever referred to yourself as being "too nice" to your friends, family, acquaintances?! I have.Allowing others to take too much of your time because you are being "nice."Telling small fibs because you don't want to hurt feelin...

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Oct 14, 2020
One of my mental health struggles.

To be honest, I have no idea what I am going to write for this.Right now, in this moment, the subject line is F*ck Motivation. Take Action!I wrote the above sentence because I am most likely going to change the subject line for this.PROOFIt is 9:53PM...

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Oct 13, 2020

Happy MONDAY!I am feeling freaking fantastic! Triple F babyyyy. Why?Because I kept a promise that I made to myself. One week ago I told myself... "CJ, you love to write, you want to put out daily content that is helpful for others, and you want to bu...

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Oct 12, 2020

Have you ever found yourself lacking energy? Questioning why you are feeling that way in the first place? That used to be me. But then I took a step back and realized something. I was running on E, yet expecting myself to feel like I had a full tank....

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Oct 11, 2020

This is one of the most VALUABLE emails I have ever written. I hope it gives you some clarity. Most people wait for inspiration/motivation to hit them before they take action.I challenge you to do the opposite. Whatever you are thinking of this...

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Oct 10, 2020

The email you were supposed to be receiving right now...I accidentally sent last night. Immediately I went into damage control mode trying to figure out WTF just happened, but I knew there was nothing I could do. For some reason the universe wanted t...

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Oct 08, 2020
Our 5 years of pain, for their 5 years of gain.

Have you ever felt like you are not confident of the "value" you have to offer other people? Unsure of yourself, constantly second guessing your decisions, and by the end of the day you have an empty, unfulfilled feeling? That was me. That is a lot o...

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Oct 08, 2020
Don't talk about it, BE ABOUT IT!

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”― Mahatma GandhiHave you ever had a friend that would talk non-stop about what they are "going" to do? Rather than BEING the person that actually does it?Or you had a teacher that you paid good m...

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Oct 07, 2020