A question I ask myself fairly frequently is... "am I using the heartbeats I have to the best of my ability?"The # I have, and the # you have, IS FINITE. You may have heard me talk about this over and over and over again.It is for good reason though....
This morning I am going to re-share my wife Erin's most recent IG post. It struck a chord in me, and I hope it does the same for you.step into discomfort // this shoot was like a metaphor to me…1. Taking photos is uncomfortable.2. Taking photos in a...
so you might as well get a reward for your pain. I have a simple message this morning, you can either choose how you suffer, or your suffering will choose you. What do I mean by this? The man/woman who wakes up, meditates, exercises, prepares themsel...
"Feed the flame" is a phrase I learned from my friend Noah. In the future you will see pieces of content where he describes it in more depth, yet the beauty of words and sayings is that we can all interpret them in our own way.For me, it is rather si...
Who is on your list of heroes? If you don't make your own list, you should be striving to live a life that would have you place yourself on your own listAt the current moment, you are already on mine. ...Heroes are all around you if choose to open yo...
Contrary to what the media will tell you, improving your health isn't an overnight process that happens from taking a single pill/medicine. It is a continuous process of self-examination, and understanding what is / isn't good for your own body. It t...
"Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift...that is why they call it the the present."I was recording a podcast yesterday when the guest mentioned the quote above. He was reminded of it from a TikTok clip of the movie Kung Fu Panda....
You already are anyway. Every person you meet, meeting you have, piece of work you create, presentation you make, job interview you show up to... you are SELLING yourself. And not enough people realize this. Whether you like it or not, in every given...
Want to know something that made my life exponentially better?!?Leaving my hometown and only surrounding myself with people that are disciplined. People that don't need motivation to wake up each day and become a better human being.I just got back fr...
by watching THIS VIDEO.Seriously though, I highly recommend watching it. If you speed it up, it will take you less than 10 minutes. My ultimate mission in life is to become the best that I can be, to THRIVE ON LIFE, so that I can also help other peop...