I am doing...

Jul 20, 2021 5:08 pm

...rather than "I will do."

This little mental shift has been a game changer to my life.

Picture this:

It's the weekend, you are gathered with a bunch of your friend's and family, everyone is catching up on each other's lives.

During this time, how often will you hear about what people are saying they "will" do in the future. Things they are planning.

Now how often do you fall in that category too?

A year later you have the same gathering.

How many people ACTUALLY did anything?

Did you?




One major shift in my life that has transformed the way I operate is to only tell myself, and tell others, things that I am actually doing. If I haven't started to work towards in in some capacity, I don't even let it creep up in my head.

At the end of the day, our ego wants to talk about ideas because the ego wants to fit in and be liked by the crowd.


The end to this day is a shallow one with nothing really to show for it!!!

So how do you turn the end of your day to one that has the results of THINGS YOU ARE DOING / HAVE DONE?!?

You start by changing the voice in your own head.

This week I challenge you to catch yourself every time you say the words "I will..." and instead, change them to "I am going to do XYZ at (define an exact time)".

I promise you that it will change your life for the better.



p.s. today I am grateful to be surrounded by people who are DOERS. My life comes to life because there is so much happening around me.
