The things you envy...

Jul 12, 2021 5:39 pm

will make or break you!

I was at a $28 million + lake front estate on Saturday.

It legitimately had 3 houses on it, boats, jet skis, pools...all the bells and whistles.

The natural instinct of the human psyche is to become envious of the situation above.

You, me, we... become envious of the person who has the things that we don't.

Yet, what we fail to realize in that if you wish to be someone else... you have to be that entire person.

Aka the bad comes with the good. You don't only get the good.

And idk about you, I love being ALL of me. I don't want to be anyone else.

The items wouldn't mean anything if it weren't the real me who worked his ass off to achieve it all.

At the end of the day, I no longer envy the end results... I am envious of the work that went into producing those results.

The property was cool for sure.

But to me, the coolest part, is dreaming about putting in the work over my lifetime to earn similar freedoms for myself and my family.

My goal here today is to transition your mindset to be envious of the WORK as well.

And maybe one day we will all earn the results that we are dreaming of.


Going into this week, if you are an envious of your idol's work ethic, not their achievements.

If you are in the corporate world, be envious of the character of the man/woman who is mentoring you, not their salary.

And if you are a videographer/photographer/ envious of the amount of hours that your idol put into producing all their artwork, not their final masterpieces.




The beautiful part about the above, is these are all tangible things that you can replicate, no matter what path you are on.

  1. You can work hard just like the person you envy.
  2. You can build up your character just like the person that you envy.
  3. You can put in the same amount of energy, hours, as the person that you envy.

Because being "envious" is not the issue in your life, it is what you are envious of that will make or break you.

Have a wonderful week ahead!!!



p.s. today I am grateful for the phone call I had with my brother last week, and my father yesterday. One thing I am working hard to do is have a deeper connections with the people I love, and I want to inspire you to do the same.
