What will be your leap of faith?
Jul 15, 2021 5:44 pm
Think back to a time in your life where things seemed really hard and stressful.
For instance, finals during college.
The first large project you took on at your job.
Moving to a new city where you didn't know anyone and only had a car and some clothes to your name.
Now come back to the present.
Isn't it interesting that when you look back you realize that all those "stressful" moments are just blips on the radar for your story?
Today those "stresses," those "problems" in your past, they seem trivial. Why is that?
As a human being you will innately challenge yourself to always take a step forward. Some people do it at a snails pace, others do it with lightning speed, yet we are all doing it at some capacity or another.
We all go through life amassing grander challenges and creating more "problems" for ourselves.
At the end of the day, whatever you are going through right now...it will fade into oblivion. It will just become another memory of yours. Locked in the dungeon of your mind until one day you may decide to let it out again.
YOU WILL MOVE ON from the moment, so why let the moment stress you out in the first place?!?!
With this new mindset you will feel confident enough to take the leap of faith towards the things that scare you most!!!
Because if you can jump towards the things that are uncertain in nature, but certainly will bring "stress" to most people ..... you are winning the game of life.
The game should not be focused on reducing the amount of stress you jump towards, rather the focus should be how can you become the strongest version of yourself so that those "stressors" aren't stressful to you in the first place. You know that that moment will soon fade into oblivion like everything else, so you relish in it. You begin to LOVE it.
Here is a fact... you are a tiny spec in a massive universe. So massive no one can truly know the size of it. It is a miracle that you are this spec though. Eyes to see, lungs to breathe, legs to run with, mind to think with, hands to create with.
And now that you understand you are miracle just by being here...maybe you will take the leap towards creating the miracle story that I know you have within you.
YOU have to believe it, you have to speak it, you have to show it to the world by stepping towards it every single day.
Or don't.
We are all headed towards the same oblivion anyway.
It is what you do in this moment though that matters.
So choose the leap! It is a lot more fun when you do!
p.s. today I am grateful to be a spec in this universe. :)