7 life lessons I learned from my wife...

HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY ERIN!!!WOW. I have known my wife for over 20 years now. And for 7 of my adult years now, I have been lucky enough to have her by my side in this crazy thing we call life. I never take the time with her for granted. So, in honor of...

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Aug 09, 2021
The richest place on earth...

the graveyard. Think about it though. The amount of hopes/dreams/money/etc. that exist in the graveyard...never to be used again. Why do we all rush through life? Like really?We rush towards our own demise, it is so fucking stupid.We sacrifice our he...

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Aug 06, 2021
What would make this fun?

Resistance. We all have it. What do I mean by it?Whether it is the tasks you have to get done at work, the chores around the house that need to be accomplished, or the workout that you know you must complete to hit your health goals...you will feel r...

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Aug 05, 2021
Nobody cares

Life is a funny thing at times. And I don't mean the "ha ha" type of funny. A world filled with people who are all walking around basing their actions off of what other people will "think" of them. The funny part is, those people think they are being...

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Aug 04, 2021
Life is about suffering...

...but the good thing is, if you live in the USA, you can choose the type of suffering you wish to endure. Here is a stat that I want you to go around and tell EVERYONE. The age-adjusted death rate attributable to cardiovascular disease (CVD), based...

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Aug 03, 2021
How you will get wealthy...

...you get healthy first.Today's email will be short, yet very important.With the fate of the world sadly getting more obscure everyday...turn on the TV or social media and it is a cloud of negativity. :( ^^^the reason I don't watch TV/news (it is al...

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Aug 02, 2021
Short term satisfaction is toxic...

and it will never lead to something TIMELESS. It's reflection Friday. And I will be honest, this week has been a blur. A lot is going on in my world right now, and this morning is the first block of time I have to catch my breath and truly reflect an...

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Jul 30, 2021
Your intentions don't mean shit...

only your ACTIONS do!How many times do you set an intention, but the the reality is you lie to yourself because you know you won't take action on that intention.Or you say "I will do it tomorrow, next week, next month, next year...etc."I have known s...

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Jul 29, 2021
Your friends are either anchors, buoys and engines.

SHOW ME WHO YOUR FRIENDS AREand I will show you the type of life you will live. Anchor: someone who holds you down, and has you spinning around their bullshit.Buoy: someone who is indifferent / goes with the flow.Engines: people willing to push you f...

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Jul 28, 2021
Stress isn't all that bad...

there is good stress.I have less than 5 minutes to write this, as I need to hit the track and then go grab a Uhaul truck to move the final pieces of furniture out of the office I am leaving. So today's message is simple...what kind of "good" stress c...

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Jul 27, 2021