You are doing things for the wrong reason. Don't take it personally though!Almost everyone around you is doing the same thing. So was I for the majority of my life. I have broken out of that habit though. Want proof?Here is a sliver. This email is nu...
I have not been living up to my full potential in all areas of my life. Why do I state the above? Because I hope to encourage YOU to really reflect on your own life and the areas you can improve.Here is where I am hurting my own potential...I lack th...
24 hours in a day. Well only 16-18 if you sleep 6-8 hours. What are you truly getting "done" during this timeframe?!?If you are new to this list, you may not know my full story, and why I have a huge problem with the corporate world. I worked my ass...
who you surround yourself with!!!I am beyond lucky I am surrounded by the people in the pictures above. Today's message is simple, yet powerful. If you want to go far in this life, it is CRITICAL that you surround yourself with people who...Want to g...
Going into this weekend I have one question for you...when you think of FREEDOM for yourself, what comes to mind?!?Is it financial?Is it time-based?Is it a career that you love?Is it spending time with the ones you love?Is it traveling the world and...
Hahah shoulding is basically like shitting all over yourself. It's just not a good look to say "I should be do XYZ..." when you could actually BE DOING IT. It is most definitely one of my biggest pet peeves during my consulting sessions with clients....
I will keep this email short and sweet because today is a very special day for me. June 30th is Erin and I's wedding anniversary, and somehow it has already been 3 years. There is a lot of truth to the saying that time flies when you are having fun!L...
What is one good habit you need to add into your life this summer?What is one bad habit you need to take away?When I ask you the above ^^^ ... even if you have an answer, it is tough to take away the bad habit, and add in the good one.ACTION is tough...
This is email 199. Somehow I am already about to hit 200 emails written...and I can still remember the first. If you have been here the whole time, thank you! Your support means more than you will ever know. I haven't written in 3+ days. That is the...
Character is not something you is something you build. The problem is, most people don't like change. Change is HARD. Therefore, their character tends to remain the same year over year, decade over decade. And this is a disservice to th...