It's time to get YOU back on the TRACK!

Around the time this email goes out I will be suffering...the good kind of suffering though. Wait CJ...there's a good kind?!?YESSSS. Every Tuesday morning I choose to suffer by attempting my fastest 1-mile run time with some of my friends. Normally I...

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Oct 06, 2020
Be SPONTANEOUS this week!

We spontaneously bought our bikes. (If you didn't read yesterday's email, Erin and I bought bikes.)But before we get to that story, why is it that as adults...We are cautious?We are afraid of the unknown?We tend to put our fears and place limits on o...

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Oct 05, 2020
Get back on your bike!

My wife and I finally bought bikes yesterday. After years of having to rent them, we now have the space to store them, so we bit the bullet. Here is a picture of us stopped on the I35 bridge in Downtown Austin Texas. Have you ever looked at somethin...

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Oct 04, 2020
Get back on your bike!

My wife and I finally bought bikes yesterday. After years of having to rent them, we now have the space to store them, so we bit the bullet. Here is a picture of us stopped on the I35 bridge in Downtown Austin Texas. Have you ever looked at somethin...

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Oct 04, 2020