...becomes how you will spend your life. Want to change your life? Start with changing yourself TODAY. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow isn't here yet, only TODAY is within your control. What can you do to take better control of your life today? What...
In 2021 I have spent less of my time with friends.A lot less of my time texting/calling/emailing people.And almost zero time taking meetings, and going to events, that I felt would not serve me at all. All of the above used to be a large part of my l...
^^^ what my life feels like right now. I know I am headed in a direction I want to be going, yet I can't quite see what is ahead. Do you feel this way at all?Like you have this thing that is calling you, but you cannot see exactly where it is calling...
One of the most common problems I have witnessed over the years that I have been consulting and coaching others...everyone loves to chat about ideas, and goals for the future, yet nobody wants to spend that exact moment WORKING TOWARDS THEM. There is...
My life has taken a 180 turn for the better, and I believe this email can help you do the same. I used to say "I'll sleep when I die." What I failed to realize was this was just a way of saying "I am currently killing myself." Not to start off this t...
Yesterday I started a challenge for myself. Why?To keep life FUN of course. :)There is that ^^and also the fact that I looked in the mirror the other day and ask myself the question "CJ are you being as valuable to this world as you could be?"Simple...
I don't care what it is that you have convinced yourself that you "have" to get done today. The list is too long anyway, you won't get to all of it, and if you are blessed... you'll get to hack away at it again tomorrow. What I want you to think abou...
Below is a picture from my most recent blood work.All my levels came back good except for one thing, Adiponectin.Low levels of this are seen in those who struggle with obesity, or insulin resistance / diabetes.I am far from obese, yet it has become m...
Today is more of a journal entry to myself. I want to write and ramble to see if you may connect with some of my feelings right now. If you do, feel free to start a convo with me. If you don't that is okay to, maybe you can take something from my ent...
You learn that you should save money, but never learn how to spend it once you do.You learn how to study and make a grade, but never how to build a network, utilize sales/negotiation skills, and use leverage to grant you the life you want. You learn...