Welcome to the OASYSS.

The world needs MORE in-person connection, not less.The world needs MORE in-person conversation, not less.The world needs MORE in-person collaboration, not less. The world needs MORE in-person communities, not less. Humans are social creatures. You,...

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Nov 10, 2021
I thought an American flag was a possum.

^^^ me last night. Long story short, I kept hearing noises that sounded like the squirrels/raccoons/possums that use to rustle and bustle on the roof/in the attic of my fraternity house in college. I dealt with it for awhile, but then decided to inve...

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Nov 09, 2021
Chase the things that light your flame...

In about three hours from now I will be driving 6 hours up to Oklahoma City.And at the same time my best friend Noah will be driving down to OKC from Minnesota.Why?Because....The OASYSS Sauna has been born.^^^ Yesterday I started the site build out....

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Nov 08, 2021
You can do anything, but you an't do everything.

Trust me, I have tried. LOL (referring to the subject line)Today I have something very simple to ask you.It is based on the fact that I have been struggling lately to figure out what the next step on my own path is. Because of this, I have been refle...

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Nov 05, 2021
A quote for you to live by...

How did my week start? Helping Erin get one of her care tires fixed.How is my week ending?Sitting in the Toyota customer's lounge writing this as I wait for one of my tires to be fixed. ----> the constant construction in Austin is preying on our t...

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Nov 04, 2021
A letter to thyself.

If you could write a letter to yourself, one in which you would read 10 years from now, what would you write about in it?Ten years ago, at 20 years old, my life looked a hell of a lot different than it does now. Not in a good or bad way, just differe...

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Nov 03, 2021
You are what you consistently do.

I am going to call a bunch of people out right now. I guess you could call me "that" guy.The one who is willing to say direct, truthful things, all in hopes to help other people...even if those people may not "like" it. Our society has made the major...

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Nov 02, 2021
Finish STRONG!

November 1st, 2021WOW. Wasn't it just the beginning of the year? LOL. No matter where you are in the world right now...No matter how your year has been going up until this point...For the next minute that you spend reading this, I want you to forget...

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Nov 01, 2021
Great days make great lives.

Don't take today for granted and float through life.Make the most of it!One simple question for you today...What would make today great?Not tomorrow. Not next week.Not your life.Just today.Focus on TODAY. How can you become better at focusing on RIGH...

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Oct 29, 2021
When you open up to the world...

...the world opens up to you. You have a story, so why aren't you sharing it? You have dreams, so why aren't you chasing them?You have a heart to love with, so why aren't you spreading it? Today is a super direct message...What can you do to open you...

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Oct 28, 2021