A letter to thyself.
Nov 03, 2021 4:34 pm
If you could write a letter to yourself, one in which you would read 10 years from now, what would you write about in it?
Ten years ago, at 20 years old, my life looked a hell of a lot different than it does now. Not in a good or bad way, just different.
And 10 years into the future I hope I can say the same thing.
I've come to a realization that I feel many people fight against... we all live multiple lives within one life.
I've also realized that others, and myself, we stress over things now that 10 years down the road we would never remember. It basically feels a "lifetime" ago every single decade.
What does this have to do with a letter to myself?
Because if I were to write a letter to myself in the current moment, the topic would be about how no matter where the future me is at in life, to remember the lives I have lived before.
To remember to relive the memories every once and awhile. To be grateful for the achievements of the great times, and appreciative of the lessons learned from the not so good ones.
To acknowledge that a "man can only look up, and get up, if he knows what it is like to be down."
To accept that those previous "lives" do not determine who I am in this new one because I can be whoever I want to be at any given time.
To laugh more, love more, run more, walk more, read more, write more, listen more, eat together more, LIVE more in every moment I get.
To hug my kids more.
To look forward to every day more.
To love and embrace myself more.
No matter where you are at in your life right now, you have come a hell of a long way over the course of it. I want to remind you of that today. Your worth is not determined by the good, or the bad that has happened in your life. Heck, "worth" is a made up human construct to begin with. You are alive, and that indeed is a blessing. With your beating heart, and breathing lungs, you legitimately are a walking miracle. Don't ever forget this! Because the noise of the world will do its best to distract you from the miracle that you are. And we already have enough people walking around with dim lights, so I need you to SHINE YOURS!
I will end the way I started...
If you could write a letter to yourself, one in which you would read 10 years from now, what would you write about in it?
p.s. today I am grateful for all that was, all that is, and all that will be in my life.