You are what you consistently do.

Nov 02, 2021 5:46 pm

I am going to call a bunch of people out right now.

I guess you could call me "that" guy.

The one who is willing to say direct, truthful things, all in hopes to help other people...even if those people may not "like" it.

Our society has made the majority of people soft as baby shit.


This includes a lot of people who I used to be close with, such as old friends and family members.

I hate it!!!

Humans used to have to wake up and fight to find their food and shelter.

And now today we have people who are passive aggressive and writing bad yelp reviews about their food being delivered too late to their house, or their internet not working so they can watch Netflix, and the worst... arguing with each other over the dumbest shit on social media.

What the fuck has happened to us?!?!

^^^ I ask myself this all the time.

We are so privileged that we are now complaining about things our ancestors would have died for. And it has gotten so bad, most people cannot even see how weak and privileged they are. They just expect things now and get pissed if it doesn't happen. Forgetting what reality truly is.

I digress.

BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE. This something I repeat to myself almost daily.

So here I am calling, myself, you and other people out, to be the change.

Why can I do this?

I used to have a lot of bad habits, and I still am fighting some of them. I know what it is like, so I can speak to it.

Yet here is what I started to question that helped me "be the change"...

Do you consistently make excuses for yourself?

Or do you consistently make the choice to shutdown the excuses and get to work?

Do you consistently complete the necessary tasks necessary to hit the goals you defined?

Or do you consistently attach negative emotions to those tasks and procrastinate because of it?

Do you consistently show up as the type of person that you want to become?

Or do you consistently fall into the same old bad habits that have been inhibiting your growth for years?

Here is the thing...

Every single day I make excuses at some point.

Every single day I procrastinate.

Every single day I exhibit at least one bad habit.

What makes me different than most then?

I acknowledge these things and go to battle every day to change them.

Like you, I am not perfect.

We never will be!

But waking up and not working towards self-progress, or being the change you wish to see, it will only add to the weakness we can all see happening in the world.

And I refuse to be on that side of history.

Today, I ask you to join me on the side of POSITIVE CHANGE.

It starts with you as an individual FIRST.

How can you shutdown excuses, detach negative emotions away from your tasks so that you can hit your goals, and take steps every day to legit BE the person you say you want to become.

^^ you can do this all RIGHT NOW... and therefore you will be changing the history of the world solely by changing and improving yourself.



p.s. today I am grateful for all the things the people before us sacrificed, all so that we can have many of the freedoms we experience today.
