Welcome to the OASYSS.
Nov 10, 2021 6:54 pm
The world needs MORE in-person connection, not less.
The world needs MORE in-person conversation, not less.
The world needs MORE in-person collaboration, not less.
The world needs MORE in-person communities, not less.
Humans are social creatures.
You, me, we... are meant to build communities TOGETHER that help each of us live in the best way possible.
And I won't lie, I have been extremely irritated watching the media tell a different story. One in which they cause you to fear others, and fear everything I am speaking about. In essence, they are producing fear around everything that makes you and I human.
This isn't "good" for our health like many will champion. It is the opposite.
But like usual, instead of just talking about it, I want to do something about it!!!
Enter the OASYSS
The OASYSS is a concept that Noah came up with. And I will write about the meaning another time.
Today though, I want to chat about how this new sauna was built to do everything I mentioned at the start of this email... and even more than that.
It is the meant to be a lighthouse.
A beacon for everyone out there that there is a community of people in existence...with the beliefs that we can come together and become our greatest selves physically, mentally, and spiritually.
A place where thoughts, ideas, laughter, connection, love... overpower fear, anxiety, and depression.
A place where it is safe to debate and be open minded.
A place where you can learn to THRIVE ON LIFE.
Right now the OASYSS is in its infancy stages.
Yet, with every person who reads this, every person who is behind the scenes working on themselves, every person who brings that extra energy into every day of their life...
the OASYSS grows.
The choice you have now, is do you want to be a part of that growth?
p.s. I am grateful the lighthouse (trailer) is now safely sitting in Austin Texas. Now it is time to get to working on spreading its light.