I thought an American flag was a possum.
Nov 09, 2021 6:53 pm
^^^ me last night.
Long story short, I kept hearing noises that sounded like the squirrels/raccoons/possums that use to rustle and bustle on the roof/in the attic of my fraternity house in college.
I dealt with it for awhile, but then decided to investigate.
And when I looked out the window...
it was an American flag making the noise.
I couldn't help but burst out laughing.
When the wind blew the flag shook the plastic joint that was holding it and that vibrated up the siding and the ceiling.
So in the middle of the night I walked outside and had to take the flag out of the joint to get some quality rest. Problem solved. Sleep earned.
And after telling that story to Noah this morning, I knew he would come back with some form of wisdom from it. Hence the Seneca quote. :)
"We suffer more in our imagination than in reality."
Literally that was me last night.
All up in my head about
- Not being able to sleep.
- What if these creatures fall through the ceiling while I am in this random AirBnb in Oklahoma?
- What if I don't sleep the whole night? How will I drive tomorrow?
- Should I just go on the couch?
- I am going to feel terrible tomorrow.
- On and On and On
^^^have you ever done this?
Do you do it frequently?
I am rather good at being calm, cool, and collected these days. But sleep is probably the thing I am most protective of because I know how much it positively impacts my health to help me feel well each day. So when I get thrown a curve ball impacting my sleep... I will not lie it is a struggle to stay "chill."
Okay enough with the flag/sleep story.
What I really want to ask you about is how often you find yourself up in your head versus being in reality?
It is not something we are taught to notice as kids.
And it drags on into adulthood.
We legit talk to ourselves in our own little world that nobody else has access to.
And this world can be heaven..
or it can be hell.
The beauty is, you get to choose which one your mind becomes!!!
So going through the rest of this week, I would love for you to keep note of how often your mind is "heaven" vs. "hell."
The first step to lesson the amount of suffering you endure in your mind... is to acknowledge and notice when your mind is playing tricks on you in the first place.
And what better time to start doing that than right now.
p.s. today I am grateful for Noah, Louis, and Yash. All 3 have sacrificed in some way these last couple days to help dreams come to life. This is what life is about. I love being in the moment of it!