Great days make great lives.

Oct 29, 2021 5:52 pm

Don't take today for granted and float through life.

Make the most of it!

One simple question for you today...

What would make today great?

Not tomorrow.

Not next week.

Not your life.

Just today.

Focus on TODAY.

How can you become better at focusing on RIGHT NOW? This moment. Today.

Sure I can give you some tips.

But I don't know your life.

I don't know your schedule.

I don't know your constraints.

Write them all down and figure out how you can be 1 percent better at focusing on

Then repeat this over your lifetime.

As for me, here are a few ways that I keep it simple to understand whether or not I had a great day or not.

  1. Did I feel healthy and well?
  2. Did I spend time doing the things I love? (My work, being outside, exercising, etc.)
  3. Did I spend time with the people I love?

That is it.

Nothing more, nothing less.

When you keep it simple like this, you can clearly reflect on whether you had a great day or not. If you didn't have a great day, you can then dig deeper and understand what kept you from achieving it. Then when tomorrow becomes "today" ... don't repeat the same bad habits.

Having a great life comes from taking COMPLETE OWNERSHIP over each of your days. No matter what happens, and who/what obstacles impact your days, you remain in control and take ownership over it all.

You don't blame others.

You don't deflect the bad to others.

You don't live in the past or the future.

You own your life RIGHT NOW. This very moment. Today.



p.s. I did yoga last night for the second time in a week. It makes me appreciate how powerful our mind and bodies truly are. While I consider myself in great shape, if you put me in a yoga class... I am far from "great" lol. And I love this feeling of being a beginner again. I am grateful my body isable to adapt in so many different ways.
