When you are working to go somewhere that you have never been... there won't be a roadmap. There won't be a GPS.There won't be anything or anyone who can tell you exactly what you should do. And sadly, most people, they take the comfort of an already...
In Matthew Mcconaughey's book "Greenlights" he talks about the time he was planning to become a lawyer...but then completely shifted his life towards wanting to become an actor. When he told his dad of his intentions, his dad said 4 simple words... "...
In life, or in business, winning comes to the person who was most prepared to be in the "arena."And I love to win / help other people win!So before you enter any arena...Find someone who is already winning inside it. Become their friend! Many think c...
You may have heard me talk about why it is important to understand the difference between price and cost before. It is something I feel compelled to reiterate every once and awhile because I know how much it can help other people. Today's message wil...
If you don't like your job, change it.If you don't like where you live, change it.If you don't like who you are surrounded by, change it.You must be the change. Stop complaining and wishing to change everyone and everything around you, and instead, c...
You are either one of them, or against them. Since I spend a decent amount of time on social media I have seen it all. It is amazing to me how so many people feel "attacked" just by someone else having a different view or opinion than them. My though...
I get people that reach out to me and complain that they are unhappy with their health, their career, and sometimes their life. Yet when I make suggestions to how they can lead their own change... their is always an excuse.And ultimately their troubl...
I have no idea what I intend to write this morning. I asked Erin about what topic I should talk about...but nothing is truly is calling me towards it. And that is okay!!!There will be days where you don't feel like you "have it" figured out. Hell the...
One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Mahatma Gandhi... “If you want to change the world, start with yourself.”Too many people have ambitions to change the world... yet their own home, and their own life is a mess. I see it all the time in th...
Today's message is a the message I created last night on an IG post. Mow your grass your own way.Wtf does that mean CJ?It means that you don’t need to have every aspect of your life polished for you to be meaningful to this world.You know what a fine...