A quote for you to live by...

Nov 04, 2021 6:15 pm


How did my week start?

Helping Erin get one of her care tires fixed.

How is my week ending?

Sitting in the Toyota customer's lounge writing this as I wait for one of my tires to be fixed.

----> the constant construction in Austin is preying on our tires lol. Maybe I should start a car tire company here? hahah jk.

Over the years I have been getting a lot of practice at making the best of every situation that is thrown my way.

Life is uncertain.

You go into every day thinking you can control the outcomes, yet really you can only control how you interpret each day, and what actions you take based on those interpretations.

Side bar: music makes all situations better. Here is what I am currently jamming to as I write this...

if you have never heard of the Two Friends Big Bootie Mixes, YOU SHOULD LISTEN. -----> listen to their latest mix (#20) here

Okay back to the scheduled programming.

I have never had a "good day" that wasn't partly due to my interpretation of the day and my surroundings.

Also, I have never had a "bad day" that wasn't partly due to how I interpreted my surroundings that day.

This is the thing about life, reality is, there technically are no "good days" or "bad days" ... there are just DAYS. Moments of time.

^^^ how can I prove this?

Well, one person can interpret my current situation completely different than I am.

One of us might be extremely happy, while another version of us might be extremely annoyed and upset. It is all up for interpretation.

There are no set "good days" or "bad days."

And one of the coolest things in life is the fact that YOU GET TO CHOOSE which interpretation you want to make in every given moment. SERIOUSLY, THIS IS HUGE!

I don't think enough people realize this, and/or take advantage of the fact that they can choose to "make the best of the way things turn out."

So who are you?

What choice to you typically make?

Are you the "good day" person? Or the "bad day" type?

It is not too late to choose the good. ;)

Have a fantastic THRIVE THURSDAY!



p.s. today I am grateful that the screw in my tire happened prior to my road trip next Monday to Oklahoma city. Fingers crossed the nail monster can hold off this weekend haha. I will keep you updated.
