Finish STRONG!

Nov 01, 2021 4:41 pm

November 1st, 2021


Wasn't it just the beginning of the year? LOL.

No matter where you are in the world right now...

No matter how your year has been going up until this point...

For the next minute that you spend reading this, I want you to forget about the past year.

Let it all go.

There are 61 days left until 2022.

Which mean 61 different opportunities for you to wake up and leave your mark on this earth while you have a chance.

Sure, if you are blessed to see beyond those days, there will be many more days to come.

For now though, let the distant future go as well.

And stick to right now.

Lets go into my world for a second...

November 6th

-Groomsmen in one of my best friends weddings

November 8th

-road tripping to Oklahoma city to pick up Noah and our mobile sauna

Nov 13th

-Two health/wellness events this day that Noah and I are supporting with our sauna / ice recovery business

Nov 20th

-Competing in HYROX Dallas as a 4-person relay team (first time ever doing this)

Nov 27th

-Thanksgiving weekend

Dec 4th

-Supporting the How Do You Health? Festival

Dec 18th

-Erin and I roadtrip to Sedona

Dec 25th

-Christmas 2021

Jan 1

-Happy New Year

Why did I tell you this? ^^^

Because I want you to begin to map out the next 61 days of your life.

The way for you to FINISH STRONG and make the most of your life... is to decide how you are spending your time.... and then go spend your time in the way you decided.

I broke down some of the major things I will be doing to finish off 2021. Yet, there is a lot more time than that to fill up. And I can either let it wither away by being distracted by whatever my monkey brain gets me into... or I can map out HOW I want to dedicate the time I am so blessed to receive.

So the question remains, how do YOU intend to spend your time the next 61 days?

The choice is yours to make!



p.s. I am grateful for all this year has brought me up until this point. It is gone though. I have let it go. Now it is time to appreciate the present and make the most of it! :)
