When you open up to the world...
Oct 28, 2021 5:33 pm
...the world opens up to you.
You have a story, so why aren't you sharing it?
You have dreams, so why aren't you chasing them?
You have a heart to love with, so why aren't you spreading it?
Today is a super direct message...
What can you do to open yourself up more? To crack open who you truly are and what you are really meant to be doing here on earth?
You have to ask yourself these ^^^ questions.
And then you have to ask yourself...what can I ask of others, and the world, to help me get there?
For me, I need to ask for what I really want in this world.
Here are a few of my asks...
- I currently coach/consult for individuals/businesses. Next year however, I MUST move into the group coaching space. It has been something I have been building towards for awhile now. So instead of helping a few people at a time, I will be able to help dozens. And these dozens can then spread the vibe out. So if you are someone who has wanted to start a side-hustle / small business idea, and you'd love to meet others doing the same, connect with me, I can help you!
- I MUST continue to grow the THRIVE ON LIFE podcast and the value it provides. Podcasting is my calling. It is my North Star. It took me almost 30 years to find it, and now that I have, I will never let it go. So if you know someone who would be a great guest (maybe even yourself ... put yourself out there), or someone who would like to get their feet wet in the podcast world by helping me build mine first, please connect with me! I can show anyone the ropes and speed up the process by over 10x.
- The last ask I have, is that if any of these emails have ever left an impact on you, or helped make your day better, let me know at some point. Or even better, share it with someone else. You are one of about 100 people on this list. I am always transparent about where I am at in my journey because I want to relate to you, and others, and inspire you/them to start their own journey's. Here is a fact. I have written over 275 emails, and believe it or not, the number of people on my list has decreased since the start. Meaning, I started with more people than I have now. You might find this interesting, but I am happy about that. Because I can now see who truly jives with my messages. I can deeply connect and build relationships with you. That is why I started writing in the first place. I have felt extremely alone at times in my life, and my writing is a beacon to find others who may feel like I do. So if this person is you, my ask is two fold. One, how can I support one of your asks? This is a team game! Two, no matter how many of these you do or don't read, the one's that leave you with some kind of feeling, respond to them. Even if it is just a simple "Loved this." You have no idea how much these simple notes keep me going on my own journey, and how I use them as fuel to go out and help other people. You are making a larger impact on me, and other people than you know.
That's all for today.
Go open up to the world and let it know what you need from it.
You might just get it. <3
p.s. today I am grateful for candles and incense. The sun is rising later these days, so instead of it shining through my window while I write, I now have the light of candles and the smell incense to give me company.