To change yourself, is to change the world.

There are a lot of people on earth. 7+ billion at this point. When you think about this, it can either be overwhelming, or it can be a relief. Idk about you, but I choose relief. I am one small spec on this earth.So why take everything so seriously,...

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Oct 27, 2021
Stop doing what you "should" do...

do what you MUST do. I have been in a small funk lately. It's a good sign though.Wait CJ, how is being in a funk good?Because the funk has to deal with making decisions about the direction of my life. Usually I am strong at quick decision making, yet...

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Oct 26, 2021
What are you waiting for?

The day I stopped believing that I "needed" anything external to be the person I truly wanted to be... was the day my life was changed forever for the better.And on this late October Monday, I want to be the motivation for you to come to the same rea...

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Oct 25, 2021
Stop living for the weekend.

Is this more often than not you?Don't lie to yourself. I did for more years than I can remember at this point. I absolutely lived for the weekend. Actually now thinking about it, it seemed I always lived for the future. Doing everything in the curren...

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Oct 22, 2021
Money is a MINDSET.

I had a conversation with someone yesterday about how a lot of people don't seem to value their time enough, so they charge very little for their services or tend to do things for free.This caused them to burn out always trying to please others, and...

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Oct 21, 2021
Why can't I shower in peace?!?

Weird subject line right? LOL.It stems from a Naval Ravikant concept that finding peace, and being present, is an extremely elusive concept to human beings. Which is why practicing meditation is so important to improving mental health. It helps with...

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Oct 20, 2021
Do you take good care of your car? Asking for a friend.

If you were told that you could only have one car for your entire life... you would do everything in your power to take amazing care of it right? Or else the car would break down. Well...the car I am speaking YOUR BODY!You only have one. Yet,...

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Oct 19, 2021
It feels good to DO GOOD.

It deeply saddens me to see how many people have become divided over so many various things. Because of this, I am going to use today to be a reminder to you that the world was meant to be perfectly imperfect. No human that ever took a breath of air...

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Oct 18, 2021
Your limit stops at the edge of your insecurities.

Do you want to be limitless?!?If so, you must be willing to kill off your insecurities. Here is a short list of how I reflect on mine...What fears do I have? Who am I trying to impress at any given moment?Why at times am I being stubborn and argument...

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Oct 15, 2021
Some days you have it, others you don't.

There are somedays you wake up and feel like a rockstar, and there are other days where your brain feels like absolute mush. It is the latter for me today. I overslept by almost an hour, which is super rare for me, but my body needed it as I have bee...

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Oct 14, 2021