You want a great life, right?

Focus on having a great day first. No really, focus on having a great day, TODAY. As a human being your mind may tend to wander backwards into the past, or onwards into the future. If it does, you are failing at living in the only moment that really...

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Oct 13, 2021
What would you say to...

your 18 year old self if you had only 3 words that you could say? This was a question prompted by a post from Jim Kwik. It went..."You meet your 18 year old self, you're allowed to say 3 words. What do you say?"The question really got me thinking. To...

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Oct 12, 2021
subtraction = ADDITION

In any given moment of time ask yourself "is the energy I am currently spending making my life better or worse?"(I hope you view the energy you spend reading these as better lol) :)You can choose how you spend your time in life by asking the simple q...

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Oct 11, 2021
Are you committed?

Or are you just interested?That was a question John Assaraf asked while on Episode 194 of the Genius Life Podcast with Max Lugavere. Often times when I hear things like the above, I do my best to relate it to something tangible within my own life. An...

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Oct 08, 2021
Your failures are foundational to your success!

It is THRIVE Thursday and today's topic on my mind is failure. Why failure?Because I am almost certain that the key to anything you want in life is in the mirror you look into every morning. See what I did there ^^^. Aka the key is you reflecting on...

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Oct 07, 2021
You need to stop recreating the wheel. Seriously.

I hate to say it, but whatever you are working towards in this life is most likely NOT UNIQUE.Gaspppp. "But CJ, in your some of your other content you literally talk about using my uniqueness to my advantage." Yes I do.The unique part is YOU.The thin...

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Oct 06, 2021
The more you know...

...the more you realize you don't know shit. Question on my mind: why do people stop learning? Why isn't continuously learning instilled in us beyond school?One of my theories is that what you already "know" cannot be broken down if you never seek fu...

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Oct 05, 2021
The key to being ALIVE... doing things that make you FEEL alive. I am getting to my writing a little later today because I spent time FEELING ALIVE during a 6AM workout this morning with some of the best people I know. Over the course of my life I have often times asked...

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Oct 04, 2021
Excavate your masterpiece.

A lot of stress in life comes from the fact that you feel you have to become something from nothing. You have to create some illusion of yourself to get the good grades, be the star athlete, seem well put together to get the job is a...

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Sep 30, 2021
If you had a blank canvas...

what would you do?Here is a recent entry from my journal.Old me would fill it with "stuff" to make myself feel better. Today that "stuff" is heavy and exhausting.So instead, I want to leave the canvas clean, with room for opportunity to randomly come...

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Sep 29, 2021