Your intentions don't mean shit...

Jul 29, 2021 5:29 pm

only your ACTIONS do!

How many times do you set an intention, but the the reality is you lie to yourself because you know you won't take action on that intention.

Or you say "I will do it tomorrow, next week, next month, next year...etc."

I have known so many people that do this.

Constantly setting intentions, yet failing to take any type of action.

Why do I think this happens?


The noise of society to be a certain way, act a certain way, follow certain rules...heck with social media now, no matter what you say or do you will be criticized and crucified by somebody.

This causes people to align their intentions with whatever they "feel" is the "right" thing to do, but they don't take a lot of action out of fear of failure and criticism.

Here is the thing though...the more action you take, the realization that comes to you, is that most people are full of smoke and aren't in the arena with you. They will criticize your actions, but they are not actually taking action themselves. So whatever criticisms they have, they start not to sting at all.

It's like the entrepreneurship teacher who never actually started a business...think I will listen to that person? HELL NO. They've never done the damn thing, so their critique and criticism is unjust.

Where in your life do you find yourself setting intentions, yet you are failing to take 100 percent ACTION on them?

Take note of this, and start living a life where your actions speak louder than the intentions that you voice.

Happy Thrive Thursday!



p.s. today I am grateful for the epic times I got to spend at my first ever office "THRIVE HQ." Last night I got the last of my belongings out, and this morning I will be handing the keys over to the title company. Covid cost me the dream I had for the place, yet I made the absolute most of it and the universe brought me everything I needed in my life. While I am a bit sad this chapter is closing, I am a forward thinker, and I cannot wait to unleash what I have planned for the future. #staytuned.
