The richest place on earth...

Aug 06, 2021 5:30 pm

the graveyard.

Think about it though. The amount of hopes/dreams/money/etc. that exist in the graveyard...never to be used again.

Why do we all rush through life?

Like really?

We rush towards our own demise, it is so fucking stupid.

We sacrifice our health to try and accrue a false sense of wealth.

Most of the time the wealth is false because houses, cars, toys... will never make us as happy as learning how to be happy with ourselves WITH NOTHING. And if you don't have a healthy mind and body, you aren't wealthy. I digress.

If you are reading this, I beg you to wake up.

Wake others up around you too.




TBH I cannot stand to watch what is going on in the world right now. People spend more time arguing with each other (half the time with people half-way across the world) over screens, and both sides take no REAL LIFE ACTIONS towards improving their lives, and the lives of other people around them.

We are in the matrix.

One where people dull their lives with processed foods and alcohol/drugs every day, think they are making a difference in the world by posting their views and arguing on Facebook/IG, and ultimately ALL SIDES failing to realize we are all going to the same place anyway... 6 feet under.




So why not slow down and make our time here as best and as RICH as we can, WHILE WE STILL CAN?!?!?

How do we do that?

First step, be grateful that right now you have a heart/lungs/body to utilize and make a change.

Get outside and improve your health.

I don't just mean your appearance. Far from it actually.

I mean your mental and spiritual health even more so.

Read/write/meditate/go for walks/get in the nature around you/invite a friend to come with you/build a community around these healthy habits.




A better world starts with one better life at a time. And I am leaning on you to create abetter life for yourself and those around you. You can create a "rich" life and then share the "riches" with everyone you ever come in contact with.

I don't want the graveyard to be the richest place in the world, I want our living world to be as colorful, as healthy, as "rich" as it possibly can be...

and it starts with individuals like us to make that happen.



p.s. today I am grateful for all the people in my life that help me feel "rich" every damn day. You, yeah you, if you are reading this, you are one of those people and I would like to THANK YOU.
