Stress isn't all that bad...
Jul 27, 2021 5:36 pm
there is good stress.
I have less than 5 minutes to write this, as I need to hit the track and then go grab a Uhaul truck to move the final pieces of furniture out of the office I am leaving.
So today's message is simple...
what kind of "good" stress can you put yourself through to 10x your life?
For me, I love to teach and educate...but I slack on my content when it comes to this. I know I need to invest more time into producing the quality I know I am capable of completing. THINKING OF THIS IS STRESSFUL THOUGH.
- I need to make a few courses.
- I need to release a few products I have outlined.
Another "good" stress for me is my podcast. I need to start getting onto other host's podcasts, as well as promoting the stories and guests that I am blessed to have on mine. Again, THINKING OF THIS STRESSES ME OUT.
- I need to create a list of the top podcast's I want to be on.
- I need to create a template to send out to potential shows I can collaborate with.
Would you look at that ^^^
in under 5 minutes I labeled some of the things I can do to start my path to 10x'ing my life.
Now it is your turn!!!
What are you putting off that is "stressful," yet ultimately it will lead you to where you want to be?!?
Label it.
Write it down.
Lets grow together!
p.s. today I am grateful for the time I got to spend with amazing people in Colorado the past few days. I am still feeling so much joy from the experience.