7 life lessons I learned from my wife...

Aug 09, 2021 6:17 pm


WOW. I have known my wife for over 20 years now.


And for 7 of my adult years now, I have been lucky enough to have her by my side in this crazy thing we call life. I never take the time with her for granted.

So, in honor of those years, I want to write about 7 lessons Erin has taught me about life.

  1. Show up and give your all even when you don't want to.
  2. Seek things that bring you joy, even if they don't make sense to others.
  3. Be kind, ALWAYS.
  4. Listen first, ask questions second, respond third.
  5. Focus on what truly matters, TIME SPENT WITH OTHERS.
  6. Adventure can be anywhere, even in the grocery store. :)
  7. Love is shown in many different ways, learn to appreciate all of them.

Below I explain them...


Erin has been through some hardships in her life, yet through them all, I have never heard her complain about them. Whether it was when we were kids, or as adults, every day she puts her game face on and gives her all when it comes to her job and her life. I can honestly say I don't know where my life would be without her positive influence for over two decades. I am a healthier and happier human being because of her, and I am forever indebted to her because of that. Surround yourself with people like Erin who are able to show up every day and inspire you to be your best you.


It is Saturday, you can hand Erin a cheap coffee, some running shoes, and drop her off on a trail somewhere and she'll be content for almost the entire day. This characteristic of hers is one in which I knew she was the one for me...because I am the same way lol. We don't need much to bring us the large amount of joy that I feel a lot of people are missing in today's day. People will ask us how we afford to travel so much... 1. I am a credit card points hacker lol but 2. and more importantly, we get joy from inexpensive/free things. We don't need to stay at luxurious resorts, go to movies, eat out, go to amusement parks, or do anything for thrills. The thrill for us is time spent together in nature and LIFE itself. Find people who believe in this too and your life will be richer than you can imagine.


I am grateful because I was raised by parents who taught me to be a respectful and kind individual. Yet, little did I know, I still had a lot to learn. Long story short, I am a ball of energy... and when you throw that energy off, I can lose that "kind" temperament. What Erin has taught me in life, is that even if others are throwing off your energy, it is important you have the self-awareness to stay true to your temperament. Don't let other people get the best of you. Stay true to you!


Erin knows I hate talking on the phone lol. But one of the things I have always loved about her, and something she has taught me, is to be curious and ask more questions. From the day we started dating, Erin would immediately call me after work, and cared enough to ask how my day was, and various other questions about my day and her day. This was honestly one of the things I fell in love with most, especially when we were dating long distance. While we stopped the phone calls, I did not stop continuing to watch how she was such a good active listener and how I could do a better job in that department. I even started a podcast to get better at it! If you want to be a better listener, ASK MORE QUESTIONS THAT YOU ARE CURIOUS ABOUT... and again, hang around others who are similar.


One of Erin's love languages is time spent. While we don't match on other parts of our love language, this one is something we both have. I appreciate so very much the fact that she is someone that just needs time together as something that brings her happiness and peace. Going on a nightly walk thrills Erin, as much as it does me, and to be with someone that understands TIME is what matters... is truly priceless.


I am an adrenaline junky, and I spent a lot of my young life chasing things that would give me a quick dopamine hit. Thankfully, Erin changed that for me. In short, the grass is greener where you water it. These days I find more enjoyment from exploring everything around me, and building a higher quality life with what I have, than chasing things that don't really mean anything to me. This attitude is 100 percent thanks to her. Surround yourself with people who make everyday life feel like a constant adventure. You won't regret it!


We all show love in different ways. To some, it is a hug, to others it is cooking dinner each night. Learn to appreciate the ways other people show love, even if it is not the way you are used to receiving it. Erin and I both differ in the ways we show and receive love, which is common for a lot of male and females. Due to all the other lessons she has taught me though, I am now more aware of what real love looks like, rather than the BS we are fed in the movies/social media. This has ultimately allowed me to be more loving towards myself, and thus her and everyone else around me. For that, I am forever grateful! <3




There are so many more things I have learned from you Erin. Thank you for blessing me, this earth, and everyone you have touched with 30 amazing years. Cheers to decades to come of life lessons and adventure! I love you.



p.s. today I am happy to say that my partner in life is joining me in the pursuit to make our 30's the best decade yet. There is no doubt in my mind of what we are capable of, and I am grateful to have someone by my side who cares enough to work towards those capabilities every single day.
