What would make this fun?

Aug 05, 2021 6:10 pm


We all have it.

What do I mean by it?

Whether it is the tasks you have to get done at work, the chores around the house that need to be accomplished, or the workout that you know you must complete to hit your health goals...you will feel resistance at times towards starting them.

Even though you know these things will need to get done to make your life better, you may feel resistance towards them, and this will cause you to delay them and push them off.

Yet, what if you asked yourself "what would make this more enjoyable? What would make this "fun?"

Example: I get asked all the time what do I eat, how do I exercise, and what supplements do I take. Before I tell anyone the answer though, I ask them about their own lives. What do they find enjoyment in.

Why do I do this?

Because if you enjoy something you are way more likely to be consistent about showing up to it. And consistency is the cause of success for anything.

So, if you like running over biking... run more. If you like biking over running... bike more. If you like strength training with weights over HIIT training...do strength training.

There is no one size fits all!

Okay CJ, but how does this apply to everyday life?

I am assuming you have some sort of job or career at the moment. And there are parts of your job/career you may feel resistance towards.

First, ask yourself WHY you have this resistance.

Next, ask yourself WHAT would be the solution to the resistance.

Last, plan out HOW you intend to implement the solution.

Example: Maybe your job requires long hours on the computer. Why don't you take your laptop to a new local coffee shop every week? Stimulate new experiences for yourself? Why not take your work outside some days? Why not co-work with other people some days? Why not make your work more enjoyable, and fight back against the resistance?




I hate running. Hard to believe based on all my running posts and the fact that I played soccer for 25+ years. I just don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy listening to some hardcore music and smashing weights in the warehouse gym I go to. Yet, I know I need to run to hit the goals I have in my life, and also for the positive mental health attributes that running induces for me.

So what do I do?

I ask myself what would make running more enjoyable and somewhat "fun" to me?

  1. Being outside in nature.
  2. Making it a community thing (start a track pack / run club).
  3. Collecting data to see my improvements. (Gamify it for myself)

Here are some more examples...

What would make mowing the lawn "fun" to me?

  1. No shirts, just vibes... aka basically mow the lawn naked in the sun. Feeling all the good energy from the earth helps my overall life.
  2. Listen to a podcast and learn something new while I am mowing.

What would make tedious work tasks more enjoyable to me?

  1. Having surround sound speakers (I have sonos in my house and office) that are playing some of my favorite music in the background.
  2. Having incense and candles burning to put me more in a relaxed / focused state.

Now it is your turn!!!

What are some things in your life that you MUST DO ... that you could ask yourself "how can I make this more fun?"

If you slowly but surely do this to all aspects of your life, your life ultimately becomes a movie that you like to show up to and play every single day.

Happy Thrive Thursday! Go have some fun!



p.s. today I am grateful. That is it. I am just grateful for all of it. This crazy thing we call life...and it is pretty crazy at the moment. Stay grateful through it all fam!
