Nobody cares

Aug 04, 2021 6:26 pm

Life is a funny thing at times. And I don't mean the "ha ha" type of funny.

A world filled with people who are all walking around basing their actions off of what other people will "think" of them.

The funny part is, those people think they are being considerate at times, but the reality is, their EGO is getting the best of them.

The ego wants to be liked.

In fact, it is egotistical and selfish to believe others should be "thinking" of you.

The true reality, you, me, we... are all up in our own heads.

At the end of the day, nobody will care about you as much as you care. Nor should they. They have their own problems they are sifting through in their own minds/lives.

Ask yourself this...

Did you work hard as a kid because you truly enjoyed what you were doing? Or because you wanted your parents/teachers/friends to praise you for getting good grades, being a "good" kid, becoming the best athlete, etc. ?

Do you work hard as an adult because you truly enjoy what you are doing? Or because you want the praise from your boss/peers/family/etc. ?




When I reflect back, half the shit I did, it was all because I wanted to be liked, I wanted that ego to be fulfilled, I wanted the praise and attention because I thought that was the point.

Sure for a bit it felt good, but eventually my soul started rotting away.

CJ wasn't born to do things to earn the praise of others.

In fact, he was born to ruffle feathers and challenge the way people think, challenge the way they live, challenge the world to become better than it is.

He was born to encourage positive change, even if other people don't like the fact that he is poking, prodding, annoying them to be the change with him.

It took me 25 + years to come to this realization, and I am forever grateful I came to it. Some people go their entire lives never waking up to their own realization that NOBODY TRULY GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THEM ... and that they must figure out their own purpose in life and go after it with a relentless passion.

Okay before you misinterpret me, I don't mean that people you are close to don't care about you, they do. What I mean is they cannot live your life for you. You will come and go in this universe... and they will continue to move on. If you get over it now, if you crush your ego now, you WILL LIVE A BETTER LIFE.

No matter whether you listen to me and follow your passion, or you don't... people will still criticize you, complain about you, and have issues with you behind closed doors REGARDLESS. So you might as well go after the things you want out of life while you still have the chance.

I am man who is meant to crush the egg shells that other people walk on.

What type of man/woman are you meant to be?

At the end of the day, NOBODY CARES ... so go choose that person you want to be.



p.s. today I am grateful for the ability to read. Such a simple thing that I don't think many people realize is a gift.
