Life is about suffering...

Aug 03, 2021 5:29 pm

...but the good thing is, if you live in the USA, you can choose the type of suffering you wish to endure.


Here is a stat that I want you to go around and tell EVERYONE.

The age-adjusted death rate attributable to cardiovascular disease (CVD), based on 2018 data, is 217.1 per 100,000. On average, someone dies of CVD every 36 seconds in the US. There are 2,380 deaths from CVD each day, based on 2018 data. Jan 27, 2021

This was in 2018... I am almost certain that within the last year this has problem risen to about 2500 people dying per day in the USA of a cardiovascular issue.

And here is the thing... this won't end like a virus does. This will go on for the next century because not enough people are doing anything about it.

If you follow me at all, you know I have been shouting from the rooftops about this for years now. Especially within the 1.5 years with everything going on in the world.

If we are truly talking about the suffering going on right now, and nobody (the media sure isn't) is talking about how obese we are (only getting more obese every year), than something is not right. I am a believer "they" (those at the top of systems) want it to stay this way.

People need to wake up to the fact that the systems in place (education, healthcare, government) are not set up for you to succeed and be free. It is much the opposite.

Don't believe me?

This isn't my opinion, it is a fact based on data and the truth of how our system is setup.

  1. Why would we allow 18 year olds to take out 100k loans for "education," but then we restrict who can buy a home? Literally kids can sign up for a lifetime of debt for a piece of paper and no guarantees of anything...yet you need a place to live....welp only if you have great credit, income, etc.
  2. Why is our ability to receive quality healthcare tied to us having a job or not? Oh that's right because your health is seen as a business lol. The sicker you are, the more money they make off you... and the system knows this and preys on you for it.
  3. When has a politician ever came to your house and solved your problems for you? Gotten out of bed and did your chores for you? Fed your family for you? Gone to work for you? Never. They lobby to the highest bidders and to those they know will give them votes for doing the least amount of real work possible.

You want to be educated? Choose to suffer by being disciplined enough every day to read, write, and connect with other people way more intelligent than you.

You want to be healthy? Choose to suffer by exercising, getting in ice baths, spending time in the sauna, being outside in the sun, hiking, biking, walking, eating nutrient dense foods, stop eating sugar....

You want to be free? Choose to suffer by having the discipline to sit still and meditate every day. Realize that no one is coming to save you from your own mind, you must master it yourself. Freedom is within us, it is in our minds just as much as it is a byproduct of how we go about our lives. No matter who is voted in, left or right, they cannot take your mind from you... unless you let them. And sheeshhhh there are so many people letting their minds be taken over these days.

Are you choosing how you suffer? Or are you just suffering everyday with whatever noise you allow to control you?

Some food for thought as you go into your Tuesday.




p.s. today I am grateful that I have the heart, lungs, and legs which allow me to choose to go to the track and suffer by running a mile. :)
