Short term satisfaction is toxic...
Jul 30, 2021 6:41 pm
and it will never lead to something TIMELESS.
It's reflection Friday.
And I will be honest, this week has been a blur. A lot is going on in my world right now, and this morning is the first block of time I have to catch my breath and truly reflect and think about life like I normally tend to do with my mornings.
What came to mind today was how fleeting a lot of moments in life are.
This caused me to go down the path of thinking "hmmm, if a lot of moments are fleeting, which one's tend to stick around and cause joy for the long run?!"
My conclusion...
Getting "high," it never lead to a long term gain of wisdom/personal growth.
Late nights drunk, they never lead to long term memories.
Gambling money never lasted as long as money earned.
Short term sex, never lead to long term love.
Anything in my life that I have that brings timeless joy...stemmed from hours of hard work, moments of hard conversations with myself and others, and decisions that felt like the weight of the world was on me before I made them.
At the other side of these ^^^ though... is the TIMELESS.
The conflict happens when people want the timeless feeling without having to sacrifice. We think we can cut corners. Hell I certainly tried.
Eventually though, you start feeling empty.
Everything you once thought was important, it starts to feel toxic.
You begin to question everything.
Why am I here?
Who am I meant to be?
Why am I thinking one thing, but doing and acting in another way?
You begin to think about what in your life is TIMELESS.
Meaning, the things you do, the places you see, the people you see them with...what brought/brings a sense of peace and happiness that felt/feel like even if you skipped two decades and went back to the same moments/moment with the same people... you would still feel the same way.
One question I ask all my coaching clients and teenage students is this...
what are you willing to consistently do for the next year? 5 Years? 10 Years? 20 years? LIFETIME? Without expecting anything in return.
That is how I find the timeless.
I don't workout because I love every moment of it, I workout because I am so grateful for the capabilities of my body, and how wondrous it is as a human to be able to move and connect our mind/body/souls.
I don't read for the return of "intelligence," I read because I enjoy getting lost in the words and stories.
I don't travel to take the pictures and videos. I travel for the feelings, the sights, the sounds, the smells, the invigorating rush of an experience that will never happen exactly the same way again.
I don't podcast for the clout. I do it because I love the feeling I get when I see other people light up when they speak about what they are passionate about.
...and there are many more.
The real question is though >>>> what is TIMELESS to you?
And how do you create more of those moments?
Happy Friday!
p.s. today I am grateful for data. LOL I am a nerd. Idk I have been working with a lot of data for personal projects and businesses and I just love the ability to analyze and determine different strategies based on what the data shows.