I'll be honest...
Sep 16, 2021 5:35 pm
I have no idea what I intend to write this morning. I asked Erin about what topic I should talk about...but nothing is truly is calling me towards it. And that is okay!!!
There will be days where you don't feel like you "have it" figured out. Hell there will be MANY days like that. It does not mean on those days you just give in and give up!
So here I am pouring out words rather than sitting and staring at my screen wondering what to write.
This instance reminds me a lot of my journey in entrepreneurship.
Maybe you too have thought about starting a side hustle, or a website/blog, podcast.... anything that has been sparking your interest lately.
You are GUARANTEED to not know what you are doing in the beginning. What I have realized is that this is one of the best parts!
You get to just GO without any speed limit. No restrictions to slow you down. You get to HAVE FUN WITH IT.
And that is what I want you to do today.
Have fun with it.
Where in your life can you just PRESS GO? ...
Rather than sitting there with your high expectations and anxiety over what "could" be.
Fire up the engine.
Write the words.
Speak the thoughts.
Run with those legs.
Lift those weights.
Make the sale.
Build the "thing."
Ask her/him out.
Do the deed.
Today the way that I am pressing go is by recording a solo podcast with the new mic setup I have. I am hype about it because the walls are now painted in the studio, so I am stoked to see the content that comes from it.
YouTube/Podcast are the areas I need to press go more.
So if you ever have ideas on the topics I can speak/record on... HIT ME UP.
Lets help each other press go!
Happy Thrive Thursday!
p.s. today I am grateful for the cooling weather. I love summer don't get me wrong, but running in 80 degrees, rather than 100 has been so awesome.