Mow your lawn your own way.
Sep 14, 2021 5:30 pm
Today's message is a the message I created last night on an IG post.
Mow your grass your own way.
Wtf does that mean CJ?
It means that you don’t need to have every aspect of your life polished for you to be meaningful to this world.
You know what a finely kept lawn tells me about that person?
Not a damn thing.
Doesn’t make them a good person.
Idfk them.
Same thing with the cars they drive, clothes they wear, homes they live in, and companies they work at.
Stop living a life of comparison.
So mow your lawn, and fill your cup of LIFE…your own way.
I felt compelled to write/share the message in the first place because too many people WORRY about the WRONG things. Maybe this is you.
And a lot of that worry stems from the projections other people place on you. Because of these projections, many turn out to have comparison syndrome.
Social media, and the internet, has only intensified this. :(
A huge lavish house doesn't automatically make it a welcoming home.... I guarantee it sucks to clean though.
A new car doesn't bring everlasting joy... it does guarantee to depreciate, cost you money up front, and may strap you into a payment for years on end.
A company with a big name doesn't guarantee big happiness... but it does guarantee bureaucratic policies and minimal flexibility against the norm.
When comparing things, humans never look at the other half of the comparison. We view ourselves as the inadequate side, rather than realizing everyone of us walking around is mostly in the same boat.
Today, I want you to ask yourself when is the last time you compared yourself to someone else, and why did you make the comparison?
I hope you realize that the comparison is unjust.
There is no need for it.
You have no idea what it is like to have that other person's thoughts.
How they feel.
The full them.
Nor should you want to know.
Because the answers to everything are already within YOU.
But you have to step into doing things YOUR OWN WAY and accepting this way as who you are...before you can truly appreciate how meaningful you are to this world.
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
p.s. tbh I never thought I would mow a lawn again after doing it as a kid to young adult lol. Then I bought a house that has a small front yard and isn't worth paying someone when I can do it in 10 minutes. What I have realized is I am grateful for this. I throw some music on, and quiet the noise of the world for a few minutes per week. It's not so bad after all. :)