Whoever needs to hear this...

Sep 21, 2021 5:22 pm

If you don't like your job, change it.

If you don't like where you live, change it.

If you don't like who you are surrounded by, change it.

You must be the change.

Stop complaining and wishing to change everyone and everything around you, and instead, change YOURSELF.

Move on from it all.

The only way to grow...is to grow.


This is me talking to myself as much as I am talking to you.

Every year I find myself at a point of inflection of growth.

And to get to the next level that I want, I must change myself in various ways to step up to who I am meant to become.

This year the step revolves heavily around protecting my energy. A few of the projects I am working on are growing and have the ability to have a massive impact on others. However, I find myself at times running around like a chicken with my head cut-off because there is so much to do, and "so little time."

So what does that mean I must do?

Slow down and decide where my energy needs me to be the most. Focus there. And say no to anything else that surfaces.

And that is exactly what I intend to do.


^^^ this is how I am being the change for myself. How are you planning to change for the betterment of your own life?

Decide on it and go TAKE ACTION!



p.s. Looking out my window this morning I can tell that fall is around the corner. While I used to hate when summer ended, I am learning to appreciate the gift that different seasons of life give us. I am grateful that we live in a world that gives us simple gifts if we choose to acknowledge them.
