It is okay to feel lost.

Sep 28, 2021 6:18 pm

When you are working to go somewhere that you have never been... there won't be a roadmap.

There won't be a GPS.

There won't be anything or anyone who can tell you exactly what you should do.

And sadly, most people, they take the comfort of an already determined path rather than choosing to get "lost" for a bit.

If it makes you feel any better, at the moment I am currently lost.

I have a mission, I have goals I want to achieve, yet I still don't know the path I am truly meant to take here on this earth.

It is scary. It is exciting. It is frustrating. It is exhilarating. It is exhausting. It is all the feels of life in one.

This ^^^ is what you sign up for when you live a life of constant self-reflection. You realize you always have the power to change and morph into the next level of yourself.

Once again, there is no GPS for this next level though.

And that is exactly the mood I have been in lately.

I have this urge to break through to another level.

Yet, I don't know exactly what it is, what it will look like, how I will get there exactly.... it is just there.

It is a feeling.

I feel lost.

And I am okay with that.

I have been lost dozens of times before.

Each time, I ended up exactly where I was meant to be.

As I will this time.

This time however, I also want to ask you to join me on the journey.

If you are not feeling even a tiny bit lost, are you truly pushing yourself to live a life that you know you are capable of?

Comfort is a silent killer.

Where in your current journey could you add a turn or two into the mix to make you feel a bit "lost?" A bit more unsure of yourself?

I am not asking for anything crazy here.

I just want you to truthfully ask yourself if you are complacent with where you are at? Or can you add a bit of adventure to your journey and go get lost for a bit?

What I think you will find is that when you choose to get lost every once and awhile... you end up becoming the person you were meant to become, rather than the person that had a pre-determined existence based on the comforting choices society will guide you to make.

The goal in life is NOT to ever feel lost, unsure of oneself, or anxious/nervous/frustrated...

the goal is that when those feelings do arise, you are equipped to handle them with grace and embrace them for being part of this amazing human experience that we are blessed to live through.

Cheers to being lost and all the feelings that come along with it. :)



p.s. I am grateful for the time I have been taking off social media the last 2 weeks. I have cut my phone time by 2/3 and I feel this is something that I will continue to do into the future. There is too much REAL LIFE out there for me to experience. Social media for long time was a distraction to that, I needed a wake up.
