The separation is in the preparation.
Sep 24, 2021 6:30 pm
In life, or in business, winning comes to the person who was most prepared to be in the "arena."
And I love to win / help other people win!
So before you enter any arena...
- Find someone who is already winning inside it. Become their friend! Many think competition is their enemy...NOPE. The real enemy is your own EGO.
- Learn the systems they implemented within their routine to become a consistent "winner."
The world will try to over complicate life for you. But T H R I V I N G is all about building systems of success so that you can do more with less.
Who can you reach out to this weekend? A coach? A consultant? A mentor?
If you don't feel that you are where you want to be in life... YOU MUST LOOK YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR AND OWN IT. Don't be afraid to ask for help!
Go crush your Friday!
p.s. today I am grateful for the internet. The fact I get to sit here and type this out, and then send it off to you is legit magic. I am grateful it gives me the opportunity to do more of what I love every single day.