Your Sphere of Influence.

Sep 15, 2021 4:54 pm

One of my favorite quotes of all time is from Mahatma Gandhi...

“If you want to change the world, start with yourself.”

Too many people have ambitions to change the world... yet their own home, and their own life is a mess.

I see it all the time in the coaching space.

People showing up on social media platforms trying to help other people (which is great, don't get me wrong), but those same people are broken financially, stressed the fuck out, and seem to get stuck on a hamster wheel similar to the people in the corporate world.

It seriously pains me to see.

Especially since I know the solution.

Go to google, type in "mirror,"order it, hang it up, look at it every morning and night, and ask yourself what is within your control? And how you can utilize what is in your control to become a better human that day.


Sounds simple right?

Not so much.

If it was, we wouldn't have an obesity epidemic because people would take ownership over their health and refuse the poison that the media and gov't feeds us.

If it was, we wouldn't have a student debt crisis because people would realize not to take on that much debt.

If it was, the rate of anxiety and depression around career paths / jobs wouldn't be climbing because people would have the self-awareness of what they love to do, and how they can make a living doing it.

Everybody would rather try to influence everyone around them though, rather than looking in the mirror and pointing the finger at themselves. Pointing the finger at someone else and blaming them is easier.

You are not like that though.

If you are reading this right now, you are leader.

Even leaders need tools and tactics though.

So here are some questions that will help you be more tactful.

Ask yourself what is within your sphere of influence?

You have yourself, your friends/family/co-workers/the gym you go to/your hangout spots/etc.

How can you improve these areas that are directly linked to you?

Every day is a chance to build momentum within your own sphere.

How can you utilize your unique skills to serve your sphere and ultimately grow the capabilities of the whole?

And when you start to build momentum, other people will notice.

Your sphere will start to grow.

As your sphere starts to grow, it is critical that you remember this one thing...

“If you want to change the world, start with yourself.”

As the leader that you are you must never forget this quote. Your sphere may grow over your lifetime, but the only way that it will continue to do so, is if you look in the mirror and continue to focus on the growth of yourself first.



p.s. today I am grateful to be sore. I woke up at 4:47AM today and couldn't go back to sleep. I stayed in bed tossing and turning, but then decided to just get up. My sleep was not so great last night, and when I walked downstairs I realized why... my muscles are so sore lol. I have ramped up my running training and heavy lifting recently, and tbh, it feels good to be sore. I find myself smiling because I know I am putting in the work that will lead me to the results I am seeking. Always turn pain into gain and find ways to be grateful!!!
