Keyboard warriors

Sep 20, 2021 5:25 pm

You are either one of them, or against them.

Since I spend a decent amount of time on social media I have seen it all. It is amazing to me how so many people feel "attacked" just by someone else having a different view or opinion than them.

My thoughts, if it was in-person, they wouldn't say anything. Most people don't have the guts to. Hiding behind the keyboard makes it easy for them.

Why am I starting a Monday with what seems like a negative topic?

Because I actually want to inspire POSITIVE ACTION.

Typically negative things that happen to us lead to us having to make some sort of decision and take some sort of action.

And in this case, the only way to actually drive change with your opinion, is to put your money/time/resources where your mouth is.

This week I ask you to stop spending so much time on social media, or in your group texts, or however you are spending your time....and instead BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE!

  1. If you have money to donate, don't donate it to random large organizations!!! Instead, find local spots/people where you can see your money being put to go use.
  2. If you have time to donate, go physically get out there and help people that need an extra hand or two.
  3. If you have neither much time, or much money to donate at the moment... invest energy into yourself. Read books, exercise, eat healthier foods, meditate, improve yourself EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! A better you is a better us.

Positive change around you doesn't happen from behind a screen. It happens when you DECIDE to walk away from the nonsense and actually drive the change yourself.

Lets all do our part by being in the driver's seat of positive change more!



p.s. I am grateful I grew up in a family that have allowed me to tell it how it is. They didn't/don't always like it, but I was never punished for speaking my mind. With the words, actions were always mandatory. I grew up knowing that if I wanted something, I had to take action and put in the work for it. Speaking about it wasn't enough. Now I am encouraging you to not only speak about things, but to take massive action on them as well.
