Do you take good care of your car? Asking for a friend.
Oct 19, 2021 5:25 pm
If you were told that you could only have one car for your entire life... you would do everything in your power to take amazing care of it right? Or else the car would break down.
the car I am speaking of...
You only have one.
Yet, if I am a betting man, I would bet that you are most likely not taking care of your body as if you only have one of it for your lifetime.
Now don't get me confused.
Of course it is great to rev the engine every once and awhile, go for a joy ride or two, go off roading when needed...I am not saying DON'T have fun with your car.
In actuality, what I am saying is that to get the most fun out of your car, for the longest possible time (aka your lifetime), you MUST take care of it every single day.
Tune it up.
Put air in the tires.
Polish the hood.
Wipe down the interior.
Check the fluid levels.
Okay CJ we get it.
Do you really though?
When is the last time you got blood work to check your hormone levels?
Went to get your teeth or eyes checked?
Hired a nutritionist to help you eat more nutrient dense food?
Invested in a coach to help with your movement and mobility?
Bought a notebook / folder to write a plan and store all your results.
But CJ I am in pain...
If you have pain, pills aren't the answer just like duck tape isn't the answer for the leaking oil from your car.
TBH, I am exhausted right now.
Exhausted from a world around me of banged up cars who refuse to take ownership over themselves.
When you are born, you don't lease your body, mind and spirit. You own them.
Yet as you grow older most of the world leases their minds away to other people to control, their body is given away to the major corporations promoting unhealthy food and pills, and worst of it all... because they aren't in control of their mind or body... their spirit becomes rotten.
Enough is enough!
I need you to help me BE THE CHANGE that we all need to see.
Nobody else can do it for you.
YOU have to take care of YOU.
Then it will inspire the person next to you to do the same!
Together let's inspire the world to be the change that must be seen.
p.s. today I am grateful that I have become aware of how important my "car" is. When you know something is important, you take action on it. And I will continue to take action on keeping myself "tuned up" for the rest of my life.