What are you waiting for?

Oct 25, 2021 5:33 pm


The day I stopped believing that I "needed" anything external to be the person I truly wanted to be... was the day my life was changed forever for the better.

And on this late October Monday, I want to be the motivation for you to come to the same realization.



You don't need the degree or certificate to start practicing the craft you are studying so hard for.

You don't need a job title to validate the skills you ALREADY have.

You don't need the claps from others for the art you produce that brings you so much joy.

You don't need expensive equipment to create that video idea you've had for awhile now.



You don't need to be anything other than yourself and the person you want to be.

Don't believe me?


What you are reading is proof.

I wanted to "become" a writer... yet all I had to do was come to the realization I just needed to write consistently. And now I have written over 275 messages on here so far. This is on top of thousands of messages/captions/blogs/etc. over the past couple years.

I wanted to "become" a podcast host...yet all I had to do was pick up the mic and start having conversations. And now I have recorded over 120 episodes on my own show, as well as I have been a guest on dozens of other shows.

I wanted to "become" an investor...yet all I had to do was invest some time, energy, and small chunks of money into young people. And now several of those young people have built their own brands/businesses and are now investing in others too.

I wanted to "become" an entrepreneur... yet all I had to do was help other people solve problems, and ask for $$$ in return.



Yes I have had help from books.

Yes I have had help from podcasts.

Yes I have had help from courses I have taken.

Yes I have had help from friends/family.

Yes I have had help from people way wiser and more experienced than I.

But the first thing I had to do before all of this ^^^ was change my mind around who I was in that moment.

I decided I was already the "titles" that I wanted to "become" in the future.

Each day moving forward from that decision... I was the person I wanted to become. All I did was live the life as if I was that person in the present, rather than waiting for the future.

There is a quote that goes "doubts kill more dreams than failure ever will."

And self-doubt is what causes you to think you need external validation of some sort to become the person you truly want to be.

It's bullshit though.

Life is way too short to keep this toxic belief!!!

What do you want to do? Who do you want to become?

What is stopping you from doing it RIGHT NOW?!?

What is stopping you from BEING that person the moment you are done reading this message?

I am not saying it will be easy.

It will be the hardest thing you ever do.

Yet, it will also be the most worthwhile.

Because in the future when you look back on your life...

you will be able to say you had the courage to conquer your fears, and that you truly LIVED the life that you wanted.

At every given moment, you were always the person you decided to BE.

How many people on earth do you really think ever get to say this ^^^ ?

Very few.

Go be a part of the few.

Step into your power and DECIDE to be that person today.

You have no time to waste.



p.s. today I am grateful for the yoga that kicked my ass last night lol. I love challenges, so I am going to sign up for another session this week. What can you sign up for?
