It feels good to DO GOOD.

Oct 18, 2021 4:42 pm


It deeply saddens me to see how many people have become divided over so many various things.

Because of this, I am going to use today to be a reminder to you that the world was meant to be perfectly imperfect.

No human that ever took a breath of air on this earth was ever, or will ever, be perfect.

That is a fact I am certain we can ALL agree on.

Remember this ^^^ the next time you go get in a pointless argument with someone else.

You are both just a reflection of each other.


Let's get back to the subject line though "it feels good to DO GOOD."

Going into this week I have a challenge for you.

How can you lend a hand to someone else that you normally wouldn't lend a hand to?

Not because you are looking for a pat on the back.

Not because you need the service for your resume.

Not because you need to validate yourself as a "good person."

But because YOU CAN.

Because you are in a position that allows you to have food, a home for shelter, a bed to sleep in...and so many other "simple" luxuries that I bet you take for granted for the most part.

So many don't have those simple luxuries.

And because of this, they don't have the opportunities you or I receive on a daily basis.

This week, I challenge you to put the phone/laptop down, and go do some extra GOOD in the world.

What you will find, is a FEELING I wish I could spread to everyone on this planet.

When you do good, YOU FEEL GOOD. And when people feel good...they tend to spread that feeling to everyone around them.

And that is exactly what this world needs right now! All of us spreading that feel good feeling.

Have a wonderful Monday. Let's go do some good!!!



p.s. I am grateful for adventure. Last night I did a Halloween photoshoot with Erin, and it was definitely one of the coolest things I have done. I can't wait to see how the photos came out. :)
