To change yourself, is to change the world.
Oct 27, 2021 5:02 pm
There are a lot of people on earth. 7+ billion at this point.
When you think about this, it can either be overwhelming, or it can be a relief.
Idk about you, but I choose relief.
I am one small spec on this earth.
So why take everything so seriously, right?
With social media, and so many people showing off a certain type of life they live, or the "cool" things they are doing... I have witnessed the pressure that some people put on themselves to live up to some type of imaginary expectation.
And I want to be someone who speaks against this.
Because I do post a lot, and I do live in that arena every day, I want to be someone who helps you realize you need to follow YOUR PATH.
Nobody else's.
And if you are like me, and you have a calling to "change the world" while you are around to do so...
I also want to be the reminder that you already have.
You changed the world the moment you were born onto this earth.
Every day that you walk down the street and either smile, frown, or ignore the person walking by you... you are changing the world.
What made me think of this topic today?
Some of my time is spent helping teen entrepreneurial/life education, and they all have this passion to want to "change the world" and do incredible things. It is so inspiring to feel. Yet, then some turn in assignments in late, or not at all. Many show up to class unprepared. And week over week they continue to talk about the impact they "will" make, rather than the one they are already making.
Because they don't realize that SMALL ACTIONS taking every day are the true "world changing" moments.
And it dawned on me, adults are the same way.
Have you ever embellished on your resume?
I certainly have.
The culture of our world makes the spotlight of seeming like you are making a change more important than the actual change itself.
Fuck that. I hate that.
I will take positive action, make positive changes, and I want to be around other people doing the same.
So today, ask yourself, where in your life are you embellishing? Where are you somewhat fraudulent in your actions? Sure anyone can talk. But can you take action?
It can look as small as saying you will run/exercise today because you have a certain goal, and you then you don't actually do it. You lied to yourself.
Make the positive change today, and encourage others to do the same along the way!
p.s. today I am grateful for the thunder and lightning I just woke up to. I will not get to watch the sunrise today, but I am doing my best to appreciate all the different aspects of life and the beauty it offers to all of us.