Money is a MINDSET.
Oct 21, 2021 5:35 pm
I had a conversation with someone yesterday about how a lot of people don't seem to value their time enough, so they charge very little for their services or tend to do things for free.
This caused them to burn out always trying to please others, and never fully having their needs met.
When I asked why, the response was...
"Not motivated by money."
Which I fully empathize with and understand because I know that feeling.
However, I had to change their perspective on that statement, and I hope maybe I can change yours if you have ever said it, or know someone that has said it.
If you are able to say "I am not motivated by money..." you have gotten to a point where you are living in a somewhat privileged state.
Because I guarantee if I took your house away, your food away, your shelter/comfort away... you would immediately be motivated to make some money to earn yourself the ability to have food/water/shelter again.
^^^if you analyze this, you will realize that the money still isn't the motivator though!!!
Hunger is for food.
Thirst is for water.
Exhaustion and safety is for a bed and shelter.
Money is just the paper you use to buy those things. It is not the intrinsic motivator.
As a coach, I deal with a lot of people that say they "want" different things in their lives.
Yet, the only ones who truly get those wants... are the people who become self aware enough to understand what do they NEED (not want)... and need so badly, that they are intrinsically motivated to keep going.
25 year old me: I "want" to help a million people THRIVE.
I said this just because I was following what other people said.
30 year old me: I "NEED" to help people THRIVE on a daily basis because that is my purpose here on earth. One day I believe it will lead me to guiding over 1-Million people to #thriveonlife.
If you don't see the difference in the above that is okay.
The second version gives me the ability to ask myself every do I help someone THRIVE today? What does it look like? What is it worth to them? And to me? Where is that person right now? How much are they willing to pay me to help them? And so many other questions.
The 25 year old me didn't understand that saying you "want" to help...
- Isn't ACTUALLY helping. It is just talk.
- Will not bring you an abundance of clients or $$$.
I wasn't focused on the first brick (helping one person), instead I focused on the millionth brick (people) which caused me to stay stagnant and not take the actions I NEEDED to be taking.
Me now, understands that to help 1 million. It starts with one.
And the first one, is always me.
I had to learn how to understand abundance and having a better "money mindset."
In my case, the motivation was/is the feeling of solving problems for other people.
I need it like I need food and water.
It is my life blood.
Then I dialed in what is that worth to others? To me? In any given moment.
The more worth it is to them (valuable), the more my $$$ grows, and the more worth (value) I am able to give back to even more people.
It comes full circle.
And the beauty is you can learn how to make money make more money by itself.
Without you even "doing" anything.
That topic is for another day though.
If this message today was a lot, don't sweat it.
If it was confusing at all, please let me know.
Finance, and money, is not a comfortable subject.
It is something I am passionate about as I want to help people learn how to understand what they are intrinsically motivated by...all so that money flows to them, not away.
Money is universal language, and I want to help the people in the universe leverage it so that they can earn a better life for themselves.
p.s. today I am grateful for everything I had or didn't have growing up. I am grateful for everything I have or don't have right now. I am grateful for everything I will have, or not have in the future. I am where I am supposed to be, and I will continue to live with that mindset.