Stop living for the weekend.
Oct 22, 2021 5:10 pm
Is this more often than not you?
Don't lie to yourself. I did for more years than I can remember at this point.
I absolutely lived for the weekend. Actually now thinking about it, it seemed I always lived for the future. Doing everything in the current moment just to get to the next moment...and the next...and the next.
Why couldn't I love all the moments?
What was my problem with the now, that I always thought about the future?
Why did everything have to be a rush?
What was so important in the future that I had to worry about it now?
Why didn't I appreciate Monday like it was Saturday? Or Sunday Like it was Friday?
The sun will rise and fall the same way on each day of the why do we view them all differently?
Yes during the "week" you may fill many of your hours with "work" for your job/career. But there are just as many people not doing that during the "week."
My point is that the current moment is a reflection of the priorities you have in your life. And I am asking you are you choosing those priorities? Or is society or something else choosing it for you?
Example: when I was working at a corporate job during the week, I had realized that I had such a distaste for it, that it caused me to distract myself as much as possible until the weekend. I could never be present because I absolutely hated the present moment.
So I changed my life to be revolved around my priorities and traded that for no "weekends." As an entrepreneur I "work" and get in flow every single day of the week. I am not limited by a construct that did not work for me. My work makes me feel alive every day. It helps me be present. It gives purpose to my life. And it will never be defined by a day of the week. I now view them all with excitement.
Let me be clear though. The "work week" does fulfill plenty of people out there. My wife for example, she operates more on a work hard in sprints, then forget about work type of mentality. So having a structure that provides that for her helps her THRIVE. Even still, she does not live for the weekend either. The weekend provides her days to focus on other things in her life that she is working towards. And this is extremely fulfilling for her.
With both of us though, we both know that time may change our mentalities on certain things. Maybe one day she will operate in my paradigm, and if I ever build a company that involves more than a small number of people... I will have to adjust to more building more structure. Who knows.
Regardless, the mindset of focusing on LIVING FOR TODAY will remain.
And that is what I am asking you to do right now.
What does living TODAY to the fullest look like?
Whether you are about to go to "work?" You have today "off?" Or something in between...
how do you make the most of today October 22nd?
p.s. I am grateful to live today. And grateful to have the opportunity to make today the best it can possibly be.