Some days you have it, others you don't.

Oct 14, 2021 6:20 pm

There are somedays you wake up and feel like a rockstar, and there are other days where your brain feels like absolute mush.

It is the latter for me today.

I overslept by almost an hour, which is super rare for me, but my body needed it as I have been pushing myself physically and mentally the past few days.

And as I went to write this morning...NOTHING was coming to mind.


So within an instant, I had the idea I was going to write about.

The art of NOT GIVING A FUCK and just rolling with life.

I needed sleep. I got it. Great. Physically I feel great.

Mentally though...hmmm.

I could not control what my brain was going to feel like.

What I can control is that I won't let it stop me.

How many days have you felt fog in your brain? Or your body is a bit sore? And then you give yourself "off?"

Not a real day "off" like we all need more of.

But a "half assed" day off, where you kind of feel bad for not doing things up to speed, but then you shuffle back to the "I don't care" mentality and you go back to scrolling on your phone or watching Netflix. Back and forth all day.

That is now what I am going to call a MUSH day lol.

My point of all this is even though I had a mushy brain to begin with, within 10 minutes of JUST DOING (writing) I already feel more awake and alive.

I refuse to allow the fog in my brain to turn into a foggy day. (Even though it is quite miserably looking outside right now. Austin had a bad storm come through last night).

^^^ This is what THRIVING is all about... refusing to allow the mush to stop you.

It is why I exist on this planet.

To squeeze every last bit of doing, being, living, loving...writing.... all of it out of myself while I have the beating heart to do so.

And to encourage, coach, mentor, advise, and help you and others, build a life you THRIVE ON.

The next time you wake up late, or are feeling a certain way, don't let that day become mush. You have a choice to make something of that day!

And like a wrote yesterday, a great life is predicated on choosing to have great DAYS.

So help me throw the mush out, and go have a GREAT DAY.



p.s. today I am grateful for the extra sleep I was able to get. <- having this attitude is growth for me. I used to beat myself up on days like this because I was "behind" on what I had to "do" for the day. Fuck that noise. I am right where I need to be. Time to go crush THRIVE THURSDAY!
