Stop doing what you "should" do...

Oct 26, 2021 5:56 pm

do what you MUST do.

I have been in a small funk lately.

It's a good sign though.

Wait CJ, how is being in a funk good?

Because the funk has to deal with making decisions about the direction of my life. Usually I am strong at quick decision making, yet right now there are a lot of different paths I could go down and it feels overwhelming as fuck.

So I do what I always do when this happens.

I read.

And one of the books I return to every year is...


I have read this book every year for the past 5 years, and it just so happens to be the perfect medicine for the funky overwhelming feeling I am enduring at the moment.

Essentially this book is a journey that asks you questions and provides you a guide on figuring all your shit out.

And you, me, we...all have a lot of shit to figure out lol.

This book also happens to be the book I gift to others the most.

No matter where you are at in life, you will walk away with something after reading it.

It is a quick read too (you will probably read it within a day) so it doesn't add to the overwhelming feeling.

Because I believe in this book so much, I am gifting it to the first 5 people that respond to this email with an interest in reading it, or gifting it to someone else they care about.

The world needs more people doing what they MUST do, and it brings me so much joy to spread the ability for more people to do so.



p.s. today I am grateful for the Men We Admire men's group I am a part of that meets every Monday night. I had some breakthroughs last night that will carry over. If any of you dudes are reading this, I am super grateful for you.
